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The International Journal of Whole Person Care
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Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014): Congress October 2013
Healing, Whole Person Care and Inclusive Medicine
Steven Jordan, Patricia Dobkin
Congress 2013
Patients’ Stories of Interprofessional Whole-Person Care
Kateryna Aksenchuk, Jasna K Schwind, Sherry Espin, Beth McCay, Jacqui Gingras
The Caregiver’s Wandering: The Quest for Identity Integration in the Workplace Using Reflection, Talking Circles, and Creative Expression
Pascale Annoual
Using Popular Nursing Literature Critique to Help Nursing Students Explore Their Perceptions of Disability
Charles Anyinam, Sue Coffey
Person-Centred Dentistry: When Do We Start?
Nareg Apelian, Jean-Noel Vergnes, Christophe Bedos
Bringing Our Whole Person to Whole Person Care: Fostering Reflective Capacity with Interactive Reflective Writing in Health Professions Education
Grayson A Armstrong, Aaron Kofman, Joanna J Sharpless, David Anthony, Hedy S Wald
Self-Care and Self-Discipline through Qi Gong
Steven Aung
Healing as Recycling Energy from Negative to Positive
Steven Aung
Spirituality in Medicine
Steven Aung
The Expectations of Low and High Risk Pregnant Women Who Seeking Obstetrical Care in a Highly Specialized Hospital
Roxana Behruzi, Marie Hatem, Lise Goulet, William Fraser
Exploring the Relationship Between Subjective Ratings of Mindfulness Practices and Outcomes in Patients Participating in an MBSR Program
Nicolò F. Bernardi, Qinyi Zhao, Patricia L Dobkin
Imagine the poss-ABILITIES! Therapeutic Recreation: An Integral Aspect of Whole-Person Health Care
Erica Botner
Making Sense of Collaborative Practices: Practice as a Social and Scientific Phenomenon
Marion Briggs
Understanding Patient Perspectives of Self-Care in the Management of Chronic Disease
Jean Burgess, Roberta Clark, Kieth De'Bell
Sharing and Supporting the Hopes and Dreams of Students and Faculty in a Canadian BScN Program
Sue Coffey, Hilde Zitzelsberger, Marianne Cochrane, Katherine Cummings
Facilitating Whole Person Care Using Video Reflexive Ethnography
Aileen Collier, Mary Wyer, Katherine Carroll, Suyin Hor, Brydan Lenne, Rick Iedema
Compassion Training: The Missing Link in Healthcare Education?
Kirsten Deleo, Angela Anderson, Crystal Cullerton-Sen
The Information Senses of Whole Person Care: A Case Study
Robert Douglas Ferguson
No Talent Required: Using Drama Therapy in Support Groups for Cancer Patients
Jennifer Finestone
Achieving Person-centered Care: The Need for Multiple Strategies
Margaret Fitch, Irene Nicoll, Fay Bennie
A Role for Cancer Nurses: Responding to Distress in Cancer Patients
Margaret Fitch, Deborah McLeod, Doris Howell, Esther Green
CLEAR: Whole Person Care Model for the Health Sciences Professions
Carla Gober, Kathy McMillan
Creative Team Building with Staff Through Mandala Making
Sondra Goldman
Reiki for Whole Person Care: Case Studies in Oncology Patients, a Preliminary Report
Martha Gomez, Maddalena Gonzom
Transforming the Intensive Care Culture Using the Palliative Approach
Diane Guay, Cécile Michaud, Luc Mathieu, Jacinthe Pepin
Exploring the Relational Aspects of Patient and Doctor Communication
Richard Hovey, Helen Massfeller
Dying with Dignity in Québec: Palliative Care, Moral Expertise, and the Debate on Euthanasia
Nora Hutchinson
Caring for the Lived Experience: An Exercise in Teaching Whole Person Care
Cory Ingram
Therapeutic Conversations with Seriously Ill People and Their Families
Cory Ingram, Ellen Wild
Healing at the End of Life: The Voice of the Patient
Cory Ingram
Watch Over Me©: Therapeutic Conversations in Advanced Dementia
Cory Ingram
Mindfulness-Based Medical Practice: Exploring the Link between Self-Compassion and Wellness
Julie Anne Irving, Patricia L Dobkin, Jeeseon Park-Saltzman, Marilyn R. Fitzpatrick, Tom A Hutchinson
Impact d'une formation à la gestion du stress sur le vécu de la maladie dans l'insuffisance rénale chronique dans un hôpital universitaire français
Corinne Isnard Bagnis, Celine Khaldi
Clinical and Personal Value of Narrative Medicine Writing Workshops for Physicians and Practitioners
Tom Janisse
Staying Present to Youth with an Unknown Future
Susan Poitras
Workshops in Healing for Senior Medical Students: A 5 Year Experience
John Henry Kearsley, Elizabeth Lobb
Mind the Gaps
Graeme Kidd
Whole Person Team Care
Glen Komatsu, Denise Hess
Faut-il parler de l'âme? Réflexions à propos de 2 patients.
M-Christine Kopferschmitt-Kubler, Philippe Fraisse, Annick Kocher, Alexa Muller, Jonathan Graffi, Denis Ledogar, Elisabeth Quoix
Transforming Challenging Patients into Interesting People - Creative Writing as Burnout Prevention for Health Professionals
Hilton Koppe
Enduring Witness - The Inner Journey of a Compassionate Doctor
Hilton Koppe
Fostering Resilience over Multiple Losses for Nursing Staff in the Palliative Care Unit: Whole Person Approach – Part 2
Yukie Kurihara, Minako Munesada, Satoe Takahashi, Keiko Tanaka
Attitudinal Changes of Health Sciences Students Participating in an Interprofessional Education (IPE) Course Enriched with Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Education and CAM Fair – A Two Year Study
Anastasia Kutt, Sunita Vohra
Perceived Effects of a Somatic Psychopedagogy (SPP) Program in Nurse Training: An Exploratory Study
Josée Lachance, Pierre Paillé, Jean-François Desbiens, Marianne Xhignesse
Group Art Therapy Program for Women Living with Breast Cancer
Katherine Laux, Virginia Lee, Sarkis Meterissian, Gwynneth Gorman, Sharon Wexler
When One is Sick and Two Need Help: Caring for the Caregiver
Susan Law
Whole Person Teaching Makes an Effective Baccalaureate Nursing Teacher: Student Voices Enlighten Us
Nancy Matthew-Maich, Lynn Martin, Carrie Mines, Rosemary Ackerman-Rainville, Cynthia Hammond, Amy Palma, Carmen Roche, Darlene Sheremet, Rose Stone
Creating Significant Life Rituals in Neuro-Palliative Care
Lana Kim McGeary
Doctor, You Can Be Less Error Prone Right Now
John Meagher
The Role of a Psychiatrist (Rehabilitation Physician) in the Palliative Care Team
Chieko Miyata, Tsuji Tetsuya, Saori Hashiguchi, Meigen Liu
Fostering Resilience over Multiple-losses for Nursing Staff in the Palliative Care Unit: Whole Person Approach – Part 1
Minako Munesada, Yukie Kurihara, Satoe Takahashi, Keiko Tanaka
Healing the Feelings and Feeling the Healing: Hypnotic Approaches in Cancer and Palliative Care
Sylvain Néron, Daniel Handel
'Flowers Will Bloom': Assessing Support for Survivors of Japan's 3/11 Disaster through the Charity Song
Ikuko Ota
Integral Medicine: Treating the Whole—Patient, Provider, Healthcare System
David Petrie, Joel Kreisberg, Gary Huffaker, Edward Baron Short, Olga Jarrín
Is the Whole Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts? Self-Rated Health and Transdisciplinarity
Martin Picard, Robert-Paul Juster, Catherine M Sabiston
Primary Care and the Ethics of Integrating Genomic Medicine
Vasiliki Rahimzadeh
Challenging Conversations in Healthcare: Simulation-Based Interprofessional Learning
Elizabeth A. Rider, David M Browning, Sigall Bell, Giulia Lamiani, Robert D Truog, Elaine C Meyer
Restoring Core Values: An International Charter for Human Values in Healthcare
Elizabeth A. Rider, Ming-Jung Ho, William T Branch, Jr, Diana Slade, Suzanne Kurtz, Jack Pun Kwok Hung
Music Therapy in Whole Person Care at the End of Life
Deborah Salmon
Who Am I? Exploring Our Professional Identities: A Workshop for Health Care Professionals
Christine Sanderson, Lisa Marr
Exercise-Never Too Late: The Meaning of Exercise for Advanced Palliative Care Patients
Roslyn Joy Savage, Jill Gibbons, Kathy Potter
Person-Centered Care In Mental Health Education and Practice Through Arts-Informed Narrative Inquiry
Jasna Schwind, Gail Lindsay, Sue Coffey, Debbie Morrison, Barb Mildon
Narrative Reflective Process: A Means to Whole Person Research Cluster Formation
Jasna Schwind, Elizabeth McCay, Jennifer Lapum, Suzanne Fredericks, Heather Beanlands, Daria Romaniuk, Susanna Edwards, Karen LeGrow
Whole Person Care at the Ottawa Integrative Cancer Centre
Dugald Seely, Laura Weeks, Gillian Flower, Sarah Young, Anne Pitman, Raina Cordell
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Training in Undergraduate Medical Education: Theory-Informed Development of a Longitudinal Curriculum for Empowering Patient- and Relationship-Centered Care in the Computerized Setting
Joanna J Sharpless, Paul George, Shnuel P Reis, Julie Scott Taylor, Hedy S Wald
The International Centre for Communication in Healthcare: Creating Safer and More Compassionate Healthcare Systems around the World
Diana Slade, Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen, Elizabeth A. Rider, Jack Pun Kwok Hung
Using the Arts to Explore Whole Person Care
Peter Silberberg, Hilton Koppe
Reasons for Returning to the Emergency Department: Perspectives of Patients and the Liaison Nurse Clinician
Molywan Vat, Carol Common, Andrea Laizner, Christine Maheu
Proposed Consensus-Based Canadian Integrative Oncology Research Priorities
Laura Weeks, Dugald Seely, Lynda Balneaves, Heather Boon, Anne Leis, Doreen Oneschuk, Stephen Sagar, Marja Verhoef
The Health and Wellness of Future Physicians: Barriers to Change and Innovations in Undergraduate Medical Curricula
Hamish Wilson
Promoting Resilience with the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program in Patients With Chronic Illness
Qinyi Zhao, Nicolò Bernardi, Patricia Dobkin
Doing 'Technological' Time in a Pediatric Hemodialysis Unit
Hilde Zitzelsberger, Patricia McKeever, Adrienne Chambon, Kathryn Morgan, Karen Spalding