
Call for submissions

New Wisdom in Practice Submission Stream for the International Journal of Whole Person Care


The International Journal of Whole Person Care, published by McGill University, is pleased to announce a new submission stream, Wisdom in Practice. This stream aims to address critical gaps in the available literature that provides meaningful support in how clinicians navigate daily challenges to providing whole person care. Some of the most challenging aspects of clinical practice relate to moral, ethical and/or inter-personal dilemmas that may not have clear evidence-based solutions. The Wisdom in Practice stream aims to provide practicing clinicians with an accessible forum for reporting on these clinical dilemmas as well as sharing on their self-reflections as to how they navigated clinical management. The goal of this stream is to address aspects of care that can’t be readily addressed by evidence-based medicine or ethical guidelines and to shed light on the discernment process that is often foundational to providing whole person care.


This submission stream is designed to facilitate contributions from practicing clinicians that may or may not have experience in publishing clinical research. Submissions are intended to be brief (3,000 word maximum), providing an overview of the clinical dilemma and self-reflection on the clinical care decisions. Established guidelines for case study reports can be used to help inform the description of the clinical dilemma (e.g. Ideal case studies will present challenges without clear "right" answers and that highlight important challenges in relation to the use of a whole person approach to care. Themes from the available literature on integrating wisdom in health care can be used to help inform the self-reflection section (e.g.; these themes include (but are not limited to): fairness, trustworthiness, emotional intelligence, mindfulness, courage, resilience, reflexivity.

About the International Journal of Whole Person Care:

The International Journal of Whole Person Care serves as a scholarly forum focusing on important aspects of health care that aren’t readily captured via traditional research methodologies. The journal emphasizes the intersection between personhood, health, and suffering, and is devoted to approaches that facilitate congruence between patients, practitioners, and their environments.

Submission Guidelines:

Please refer to our submission portal for more information on how to submit your manuscript:


For any inquiries or additional information, please contact Angelica Todireanu.