Culturally-adapted resilience-building curriculum for medical students: a comprehensive approach at Showa University School of Medicine, Japan

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Shizuma Tsuchiya
Edward Barroga
Atsuko Furuta
Makiko Arima
Hiroaki Ogata
Eriko Goto
Tsuyoshi Oshiro
Miki Izumi


The growing prevalence of psychological morbidity, depersonalization, and low personal accomplishment among medical students underscores the need for resilience-enhancing programs tailored to their specific needs. Incorporating cultural perspectives and societal context into these interventions is crucial to ensure their effectiveness and relevance. In response, Showa University School of Medicine in Japan has pioneered a culturally-adapted, resilience-based curriculum for medical students from their first through sixth years since 2020.

This presentation will outline the comprehensive framework of the resilience-focused curriculum, including course objectives, content, learning resources, timetables, and pedagogical approaches. Key components of the curriculum encompass self-assessment and reflection, stress management strategies, effective communication and conflict resolution skills, and fostering a growth mindset. Additionally, interdisciplinary collaborations with psychology and social work departments provide individual supports and resources for students.

Emphasizing the distinct challenges faced by medical students, such as academic stressors, relationships with senior clinical educators, patient and family interactions, and managing errors and burnout, the presentation will highlight the classes on the curriculum, support systems and mentorship programs in promoting mental well-being and resilience.

The experiences and outcomes of the 2020-2022 cohorts will be shared, offering valuable insights into the effectiveness of the resilience-building curriculum in the Japanese context. Lessons learned from the implementation process, including challenges faced and strategies employed, will provide practical examples for other medical schools seeking to develop similar programs.

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How to Cite
Tsuchiya, S., Barroga, E., Furuta, A., Arima, M., Ogata, H., Goto, E., Oshiro, T., & Izumi, M. (2024). Culturally-adapted resilience-building curriculum for medical students: a comprehensive approach at Showa University School of Medicine, Japan. The International Journal of Whole Person Care, 11(1S), S43-S44.
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