Adaptive challenges of curriculum implementation for enhancing medical student resilience at Showa University in Japan

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Shizuma Tsuchiya
Kris Siriratsivawong
Atsuko Furuta
Makiko Arima
Yusuke Takamiya
Hiroaki Ogata
Miki Izumi


It has been consistently reported that medical students experience a high rate of psychological morbidity, depersonalization, and low personal accomplishment around the world. Under the circumstances, resilience-enhancing programs have been gathering attention and partially implemented even in Japan. However, most of the programs just imitate resiliency programs in North America even though studies have indicated that there are cultural differences between East Asia and North America in the capacity to cope with a stressful situation.

The presenters investigated what factors might affect the similarities or differences in the perception of resilience among experienced palliative care physicians in Canada and Japan in 2017-2018. This study showed that Japanese physicians are more likely to rely on “Relationships” with other persons such as family members, friends, mentors or colleagues; in contrast, Canadian physicians tended to be more focused on individual factors such as “Autonomy” and “Confidence”.

As a result, the presenters at Showa University School of Medicine in Japan have implemented a progressively advancing resiliency program in a passed manner for the 1st through 6th year medical students as part of a new curriculum. This represents one of the most drastic revisions of curriculum in the school’s history. This presentation will introduce a course for resiliency programs as part of a new curriculum, including course description, course content, educational objectives, instructional strategies and the tips for the classroom teaching and learning.


Article Details

How to Cite
Tsuchiya, S., Siriratsivawong, K., Furuta, A., Arima, M., Takamiya, Y., Ogata, H., & Izumi, M. (2022). Adaptive challenges of curriculum implementation for enhancing medical student resilience at Showa University in Japan. The International Journal of Whole Person Care, 9(1), 44–45.
Congress 2021
Author Biography

Shizuma Tsuchiya, Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital

Department of the Internal Medicine, Showa University Northern Yokohama Hospital

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