Who experiences depressive symptoms following mindfulness-based stress reduction and why?

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Patricia Lynn Dobkin
Qinyi Zhao
Kaveh Monshat


Background: A small percentage of patients screen positive for depression following a mindfulness-based program. We identified patient characteristics associated with this outcome in order to understand this phenomenon.

Methods: Depressive symptoms, stress, mindfulness, coping with illness and sense of coherence were measured in 126 patients with various medical and psychological conditions pre- and post- Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). 

Results: Fewer patients (27% vs. 49%) screened positive for depression post-MBSR. Both pre- and post-MBSR patients who were depressive following MBSR scored lower on meaningfulness, comprehensibility, and manageability (sense of coherence), higher on emotional coping and lower on palliative and distraction coping. Smaller positive changes (e.g. stress) occurred in these patients as well. Viewing life as less meaningful pre-MBSR predicted more symptoms of depression post-MBSR.

Conclusions: Patients who suffered depressive symptoms following the program were unable to reappraise their lives in such a way as to become stress resilient. 

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How to Cite
Dobkin, P. L., Zhao, Q., & Monshat, K. (2017). Who experiences depressive symptoms following mindfulness-based stress reduction and why?. The International Journal of Whole Person Care, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.26443/ijwpc.v4i1.123
Empirical Studies
Author Biography

Patricia Lynn Dobkin, McGill University

Associate Professor

Department of Medicine

Clinical Psychologist

Mind-Body expertise


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